Wrapper of lsqfit for computing various information criteria, particularly those listed in arXiv:2208.14983 [stat.ME], using vegas.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab [seminar] [PDF of slides]
In this talk, I will give an overview of the nucleon sigma term and its applications, particularly its central role in direct dark matter searches. I will briefly summarize and contrast some recent work and describe how CalLat intends to calculate this quantity. Finally I will present some preliminary work from our collaboration.
Wrapper of lsqfit for computing various information criteria, particularly those listed in arXiv:2208.14983 [stat.ME], using vegas.
Sixth Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative [PDF of slides]
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab [seminar] [PDF of slides]
PoS(Lattice2021) Volume 396 (2022) [arXiv:2201.01343]
Los Alamos National Lab [invited talk] [PDF of slides]
Chiral Dynamics 2021 bulletin [PDF of slides]
Graphical user interface for lsqfit using dash.
Lattice 2021 bulletin [PDF of slides]
Director’s review of the Nuclear Science Division [PDF of poster]
Python code for our scale setting analysis.
Phys. Rev. D 103, 054511 (2021) [arXiv:2011.12166]
American Physical Society bulletin [PDF of slides]
A python noteboook for plotting points and lines, expressly written for making spacetime diagrams. To get started with a tutorial, launch the binder inst...
Phys. Rev. D 102, 034507 (2020) [arXiv:2005.04795]
Python code for our $F_K/F_\pi$ analysis.